What Problems Do You Need To Be Wary Of With Leather Furniture?

Posted on 4th August 2021

The world of interior design is one that is always changing, particularly when you take a look at the choice of furniture that people opt for. In times gone by, it was cotton-esque fabrics which proved to be most-popular. However, for the past couple of years, leather has become a sought-after option, and rightfully so. Before you rush down this road, there are a couple of issues that you might want to brush-up on; Alexander Christian is pleased to be able to walk you through some of these in greater detail.

Leather Cracking

If you have ever owned a leather sofa in the past, the likelihood is that you have noticed that as time passes, cracks begin to appear in the surface of the material. Part of this can be attributed to natural wear-and-tear; after-all, a sofa that is routinely sat on will not stay perfect forever. That being said, there are other causes, such as those which relate to extreme temperature changes. During summer, we suggest that you try to ventilate your living room, otherwise you will be left with permanent cracks that only a dedicated sofa repair firm can remedy.

Colour Fading

Regardless of the colour of your leather sofa, it is vital that you are aware of the negative consequences that you will be subjected to if you choose to place your unit in the direct path of sunlight. Over time, this will serve to discolour the fabric, leaving you with blotches that, from a visual standpoint, are certainly not what you want within your home. Whilst there are colour match services available, these types of repairs are rather difficult to complete. Therefore, we recommend that you try to be proactive, and instead place your unit away from the window.

Leather Peeling

Despite the fact that you may have done everything in your power to prevent cracking, it is possible for peeling to occur. One of the primary reasons that this happens is due to the effect that natural body oil can have when it seeps into the material. When you factor in the impact that friction can have, you are left with a problem which, in the long-run, is rather difficult to stop. Your best-bet would be to conduct routine cleaning of your sofa with dedicated cleansing products.

Animal Impact

Unfortunately, this is an element that, at times, can be out of your control. If you allow your pets onto your sofa, we suggest that you, at the very least, trim their claws before they do. Due to the softness of the leather, tears can be caused rather easily. Leather chairs are also prone to scratching, which is another eventuality that is less-than desirable. For your own peace-of-mind, it may be that when you purchase a brand-new leather sofa, you keep your animals away from it until you have worn it in.

How Can We Be Of Assistance?

If you have seen your sofa slowly-but-surely succumb to any of the scenarios that have been mentioned above, it could be that you are on the lookout for a bespoke leather furniture repair service. Naturally, you will want to go to a company that has proven itself time-and-again to be an industry leader, as this should guarantee first-class results. Thankfully, in Alexander Christian, you have a firm that will easily be able to put a smile on your face. Leather repair is something of a speciality for our team, and we would love to help you in any way that we can. More information about our catalogue of services can be obtained by chatting to one of our representatives on 07966 186603. 

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